Local real estate management group Grover Corlew recently donated Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) educational toys to Florence Fuller Child Development Centers.
The toys will enrich the classroom experience for underserved children.
“Florence Fuller Child Development Centers is an outstanding organization committed to making a difference in the lives of chi ldren who need it most. We appreciate t heir commitment to learning and to empowering their families to build a brighter future through education,” said Partner Anuj Grover. “We believe, along with Florence Fuller Child Development Centers, that every chi ld should have a chance to learn, grow and experience success in school and life regardless of their ability to pay. They have many robust programs that support young children and their fami lies in a very nurturing way.”
Approximately 25 percent of Palm Beach County families are living at the poverty level.
“These families depend on us to provide the necessary skil ls and t ools to help t heir children stay on par with their more affluent peers,” said Ellyn Okrent, CEO of Florence Fuller Child Development Centers. “STEAM toys offer children hands-on experiences with science, technology, engineering, arts and math at an early age. The toys build on a child’s natural curiosity and desire to build, create and investigate.”